- Quality Assurance
- Does the work meet the Business Case?
- Was the Standards development process followed?
- Is the work consistent with approved Styles, Formats, and Templates?
- Does the work meet approved Technical Specifications and is technically sound?
- Was there collaboration with other appropriate organizations, if required.
- Was the SDM process followed?
- No outstanding Architecture issues remain.
- Was there collaboration with other appropriate organizations, if required.
- Does the work meet the Business Case?
- Is a Marketing campaign or press release recommended?
The balloting process is through a formal vote by the members of the Architecture Committee. The schedule for development and approval of the new standard is published in the Architecture minutes 2 weeks or more prior to the vote for the standards approval.
Consensus is established when a substantial agreement has been reached by directly and materially affected interests. Substantial agreement means much more than a simple majority, but not necessarily unanimity. Consensus requires that all views and objections be openly, and honesty considered, and that a concerted effort be made toward their resolution.
At any time, the SAB may submit the completed standards work and voting results to the Board of Trustees of CIECA for determination of whether consensus has been attained. If, upon review of all the facts, the Board certifies that consensus has been reached, publication of the standard or standard changes will be ordered. If the Board feels consensus in lacking, the work will be returned to the SAB for modification and the approval process repeated.
Publication and Maintenance
Once certified as an industry standard, CIECA officially accepts perpetual responsibility for its maintenance on behalf of the Collision Repair Industry. If the standard is a CIECA standard it is published by CIECA. If it is not a CIECA standard, 1) it may be published by CIECA with permission, 2) it may be obtained for distribution from the official publishing standards body, or 3) CIECA may advise interested parties to obtain the standard directly from the publishing body.
All developmental documentation will be collected from the SAB and maintained on file by the CIECA staff. A version number will be assigned, and no subsequent changes will be made to that document without a corresponding change in version number. For other than CIECA standards, the version number assigned by the governing standards body will be utilized, and only CIECA developmental documentation will be filed.
Documentation will be kept in compliance with the then-current CIECA Records Retention Policy as stated in the CIECA Policy Manual.
CIECA Business Message Specification (BMS)
CIECA Code Lists
CIECA Schema
CIECA Implementation Guides.
CIECA Release Cycle and Naming Convention
There are two scheduled CIECA Releases per year. The first release is at the end of the first Quarter and the second release is at the end of the third quarter.
CIECA includes both the year and release number of that year, either 1 or 2. The naming convention i SIECA Release 2006R1 for the first release in the year 2006.
Release Approval Process:
Release processes are contained with the CIECA SDM process flow. The processes contained here are for the technical execution of the work established by the CIECA Board of Directors. Regarding the role of each level of the CIECA organization as it related to the CIECA standards releases are: