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CIECA Products

Implementation Guide - Update Administrative Data on Assignment Add

To update administrative data in an assignment, such as the vehicle owner's name being updated

Data Dictionary Reference(s)

​Section 4

Section 4.1 - Common Data Aggregates for Assignment
Section 4.2 - Assignment Add Request

Common Elements and Aggregates

Section 3

The hyperlinks in the Type Colum will help you navigate to the Aggregates and messages.  

<ctrl> click on hyperlink will take you to the Aggregate

<alt> and back arrow will take you back to hyperlink

Data Dictionary Help

Section 2

Describes the architecture behind the schemas.  This includes definitions, data types, building blocks, naming conventions, and versioning.

Test Instance

Data Recommendations

 AggregateAggregate or ElementUsage
 <DocumentType>Required; must be populated with a value from the Document Type Code List. 
 <DocumentStatus>Recommended; must be populated with a value from the Document Status Code List.
<EventInfo> Required
<EventInfo> / <AssiginmentEvent>Recommended, Repeating
Required to populate the aggregate that needs to be updated.  <Owner>, <InsuranceCompany> ect.  

Master Code List

Code List are identified in the Type Column with Open Enum or Closed Enum in the Data Dictionary.  For a list of all the codes, please use the Data Dictionary and the Master Code List.

 Code ListValueDescription
 Document TypeAThe Type of message the transaction is providing; A - Vendor Damage Assignment
Document StatusUDocument status; 'U' - Update