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Implementation Guide - Appraisal Requirements

This implementation Guide is focused examples of populating data to send appraisal requirements on an Assignment.  Use the <AssignmentMemo> aggregate to pass specific processing requirements for an assignment such as special rates and handling instructions.  This is not a full data representation of the vehicle damage assignment request.

Data Dictionary Reference(s)

Section 4 

Section 4.1 - Common Data Aggregates for Assignment
Section 4.2 - Assignment Add Request

Common Elements and Aggregates

Section 3

The hyperlinks in the Type Colum will help you navigate to the Aggregates and messages.  

<ctrl> click on hyperlink will take you to the Aggregate

<alt> and back arrow will take you back to hyperlink

Data Dictionary Help

Section 2

Describes the architecture behind the schemas.  This includes definitions, data types, building blocks, naming conventions, and versioning.

Data Recommendations

Aggregate  Aggregate or Element Usage
 <VehicleDamageAssignment>Required if aggregates <RentalAssignment>, <GlassAssignment>, <SubrogationAssignment>, <TowAssignment> is not populated.  This example is for a Vehicle damage assignment; so, it is required.
 <AssignmentMemo>Recommended; Repeating
 <VehicleDamageAssignment> / <VehicleInfo>
Required; Please see <VehicleInfo> IG for more information.

For writing a vehicle estimate, the insurance carrier only accepts estimates from the XYZ Estimating System

Aggregate  Aggregate or Element Usage
 <VehicleDamageAssignment>Required if aggregates <RetnalAssignment>, <GlassAssignment>, <SubrogationAssignment>, <TowAssignment> is not populated.  This example is for a Vehicle damage assignment; so, it is required.
 <AssignmentMemo>Recommended; Repeating.  For this example, populate with 'Required - Use XYZ Estimating System'
 <VehicleDamageAssignment> / <VehicleInfo>
Required; Please see <VehicleInfo> IG for more information.

For writing a vehicle estimate, the insurance carrier requires the following for an estimate:  an odometer reading, a condition report, two photographs of the damage, a body labor rate of $25.00 per hour, and a reference to their website for rules and regulations to writing and estimate.  

Aggregate  Aggregate or Element Usage
 <VehicleDamageAssignment>Required if aggregates <RetnalAssignment>, <GlassAssignment>, <SubrogationAssignment>, <TowAssignment> is not populated.  This example is for a Vehicle damage assignment; so, it is required.
 <AssignmentMemo>Recommended; Repeating.  For this example, populate with 'The following items are required for this estimate:
1) Odometer reading
2) Condition report
3) Two photographs of body damage
4) Body labor rate of $25.00 per hour
Please refer to the following website for rules and regulations on writing and estimate:
 <VehicleDamageAssignment> / <VehicleInfo>
Required; Please see <VehicleInfo> IG for more information.

Master Code List

Code List are identified in the Type Column with Open Enum or Closed Enum in the Data Dictionary.  For a list of all the codes, please use the Data Dictionary and the Master Code List.

 Code List ValueDescription
No Code List used in this Implementation Guide