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CIECA Products

Implementation Guide - Storing History with Multiple Assignment Events

The history of the assignment/reassignment being captured in the Assignment/Reassignment Message. 

An appraisal assignment is created by the Insurer system on 3/17/2022 at 9:00 am.  It is sent the same morning at 9:15 to Staff Appraiser1, who receives it at 9:15. Staff Appraiser1 in this case reassigns the work at 9:30 to Staff Appraiser2, who receives it at 9:30, to complete the appraisal work.  As a result, pertinent event dates and associated comments are maintained as history of the appraisal assignment.

Data Dictionary Reference(s)


Section 4 - Description of Assignment
Section 4.1 - Common Data Aggregates for Assignment
Section 4.2 - Assignment Add Request

Common Elements and Aggregates

Section 3 is the Elements and Aggregates that are common to the Collision Industry messages.  

The hyperlinks in the Type Colum will help you navigate to the Aggregates and messages.  

<ctrl> click on hyperlink will take you to the Aggregate

<alt> and back arrow will take you back to hyperlink

Data Dictionary Help

Section 2 describes the architecture behind the schemas.  This includes definitions, data types, building blocks, naming conventions, and versioning.

Data Recommendations

 AggregateAggregate or ElementUsage
 <BMSVer>Required; must be populated with a value from the BMS Version Code List
 <DocumentType>Required; must be populated with a value from the Document Type Code List
<EventInfo> / <AssignmentEvent>Recommended; a repeating aggregate represented in reverse chronological order.  The second <AssignmentEvent> will be shown first, and will have the date and time the assignment was sent to and received by the new recipient 
 <CreateDateTime>Recommended.  The second <AssignmentEven> will not have this value because the date and time the assignment was created in the systems of origin has not changed.
<AdminInfo>Required; all data is optional inside <AdminInfo>; the following aggregates of <Estimator>, <Receiver> and <Sender> are recommended for this IG 
 <AdminInfo> / <Estimator>
 Recommended; has required fields inside this aggregate that are not listed in this example.  See Party
<AdiminInfo> / <Receiver>Recommended; has required fields inside this aggregate that are not listed in this example.  See Party
<AdminInfo> / <Sender> Recommended; has required fields inside this aggregate that are not listed in this example.  See Party
<ClaimInfo>Required, all aggregates are optional inside of <ClaimInfo>.  <ClaimInfo>, <OrderInfo> and/or <FleetInfo> is allowed.
<VehicleDamageAssignment>Required; <VehicleDamageAssignment>, <RenentalAssignment>, <GlassAssignment>, <SubrogationAssignment>, <PropertyDamageAssignment>, <TowAssignment> can be used, but only one.
<VehicleDamageAssignment> / <VehicleInfo>Required; all data inside <VehicleInfo> is optional

Master Code List

Code List are identified in the Type Column with Open Enum or Closed Enum in the Data Dictionary.  For a list of all the codes, please use the Data Dictionary and the Master Code List.

 Code ListValueDescription
 BMS Version 6.4.0Release Version
Document Type ADocument Type for Vehicle Damage Assignment