Assignment Add
Assignment Add Services are used to assign a task or project to be completed. This includes original assignment, reassignment, assignment changes, and assignment cancellations. These messages apply to Vehicle Damage and Imaging, Rental, Glass, Property Damage, Tow and Subrogation Demand.
Implementation / Use Case | Purpose | Link |
<AdminInfo> Aggregate | An aggregate of information that describes the data common to administrative information regarding the parties associated with the document. | |
<PartyType> Aggregate | This identifies the type of party. For the list of values/codes see the Party Type tab in the CIECA Master Code List | |
<VehicleInfo> Aggregate | An aggregate of information detailing specific information about a vehicle that is directly related to a claim. Private passenger and commercial vehicles are referenced in this specification. | |
<DocumentInfo> Aggregate | An aggregate that contains all of the identifying information about the specific message document. A message must have a document information segment. The maximum occurrence for a Document Information aggregate is once. | |
<AssignmentEvent> | How to store the history of an assignment/reassignment with multiple Assignment Events | Assignment Event History IG |
<VehicleDamageAssignment> | How to document multiple instances of assignment memo | Vehicle Damage Assignment with multiple memo IG |
Prior Damage Documentation | How to send pre-condition photos or documents of unrelated prior damage to appraiser | Attachment IG |
Use Case | Purpose | Link |
Appraisal Requirements | How to send Appraisal Requirements | Appraisal Requirements IG |
Control Environmental Reporting Assignment | Recommendations for sending control environment reporting information with an assignment | |
Glass Assignment | Assignment to a glass repair provider | |
Glass Reassignment | To reassign a task from one glass repairer to another | |
Indicate Receiver for an Assignment | How to indicate the receiver of a loss assignment | Assignment Receiver IG |
Reassignment | How to send a reassignment/re-dispatch message (change working appraiser) | |
Rental Car Assignment | Assignment to a rental car provider | Rental Assignment IG |
Scan Assignment | Recommendations for sending Scan data with an assignment | |
Subrogation Assignment | Assignment to a subrogation provider | |
Towing Assignment | Assignment to a towing provider | Towing Assignment IG |
Total Loss Indicator | How to indicate a possible or potential total loss on an assignment | Total Loss Indicator IG |
Update Administrative Data | How to update administrative data in an assignment add | Assignment Admin Update IG |
Vehicle Damage Assignment | Assignment to a repairer or appraiser to prepare an estimate | Vehicle Damage Assignment IG |